Day 13: Python Tasks for DevOps (Part 2)

Day 13: Python Tasks for DevOps (Part 2)

Welcome back to our Python for DevOps series! In today's session, we'll delve deeper into Python's capabilities for automating various tasks in a DevOps environment. We'll explore powerful tools: we'll learn how to manage S3 buckets and more. Let's enhance our DevOps scripting skills with practical exercises and examples.

🔶 AWS Automation with Boto3

Boto3 is the official Python SDK provided by AWS for interacting with AWS services. Let's explore how to use Boto3 for AWS automation.

✅ Installing Boto3

Install Boto3 using pip:

pip install boto3

✅ Managing S3 Buckets with Boto3

Let's create a Python script named to manage S3 buckets:

# Import the Boto3 library, which provides an interface to interact with AWS services, including S3.
import boto3

# Create an S3 client using Boto3.
client = boto3.client('s3')

# Create new S3 buckets
response = client.create_bucket(


# Import the Boto3 library, which provides an interface to interact with AWS services, including S3.
import boto3

# Create an S3 client using Boto3.
client = boto3.client('s3')

# Use the S3 client to get the Access Control List (ACL) of a specific bucket ('chandresh-demo-boto3' in this case).
# The ACL provides information about who has access to the bucket and the permissions they have.
response = client.get_bucket_acl(

# Print the response, which contains the ACL details for the specified S3 bucket.

🔶 Conclusion

Today, we expanded our Python for DevOps journey by exploring Fabric for remote task automation and Boto3 for AWS automation. We managed S3 buckets using practical examples. As you continue to build your DevOps skills, these tools will prove invaluable in streamlining and automating various tasks in your infrastructure.

Stay tuned for more advanced topics in our Python for DevOps series!

Note: I am following Abhishek Verraamalla's YouTube playlist for learning.

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Happy Learning :)

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