Day 44 Task: Relational Database Service in AWS

Day 44 Task: Relational Database Service in AWS

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a collection of managed services that makes it simple to set up, operate, and scale databases in the cloud


  • Create an EC2 instance.

  • Create a Free tier RDS instance of MySQL.

    Select a free tier.

    Make a Credentials setting.

    Storage type.

    Select Additional VPC security group.

    Created database.

  • Create an IAM role with RDS access.
    To create an IAM role go to IAM roles

    Select AWS services and use case EC2.

    Add permissions AmazonRDSFullAccess.

    Name, review, and create.

    Role RDS-Role created.

  • Assign the role to EC2 so that your EC2 Instance can connect with RDS.
    Now modify the IAM Role in the EC2 Instance.

    Choose your IAM Role.

  • Once the RDS instance is up and running, get the credentials and connect your EC2 instance using a MySQL client.
    Go to RDS Console and select your database.

    Connect from your EC2 instance and update the system
    Install MySQL by using sudo apt-get install mysql-client

    Now Connect your RDS instance to the EC2 instance using MySQL client.
    use mysql -h <endpoint-name> -P <port-name> -u <username> -p

Happy Learning!

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