Day 82 Task: Project-3

Day 82 Task: Project-3

Unleash the Power of Scalable Static Hosting

Project Description

The project involves hosting a static website using an AWS S3 bucket. Amazon S3 is an object storage service that provides a simple web services interface to store and retrieve any amount of data. The website files will be uploaded to an S3 bucket and configured to function as a static website. The bucket will be configured with the appropriate permissions and a unique domain name, making the website publicly accessible. Overall, the project aims to leverage the benefits of AWS S3 to host and scale a static website in a cost-effective and scalable manner.

🔶 Task: Hosting a static website on AWS S3

Hosting a static website on AWS S3 is a straightforward and cost-effective way to make your content accessible to a global audience. The key steps to this project involve setting up your S3 bucket, configuring it for static website hosting, and securing your content with appropriate permissions.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Set Up an AWS Account:

  • If you don't already have one, create an AWS account.

2. Create an S3 Bucket:

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console.

  • Open the S3 console and click "Create bucket."

  • Choose a unique and relevant name for your bucket, e.g., ""

  • Select the AWS region that's geographically closest to your target audience for faster content delivery.

3. Upload Your Website Files:

  • Navigate to your new S3 bucket.

  • Click "Upload" and select the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other files that make up your website.

  • Ensure that your main HTML file is named "index.html" or "index.htm."

4. Enable Static Website Hosting:

  • In your bucket properties, go to the "Static website hosting" section.

  • Click "Use this bucket to host a website" and specify the index document (e.g., index.html) and error document (e.g., error.html).

5. Set Permissions:

  • In the "Permissions" tab, configure bucket policies to allow public access. Create a bucket policy like the following:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "*"

This policy allows anyone to access the objects in your bucket.

6. Obtain Your Website Endpoint:

7. Test Your Website:

  • Open a web browser and enter your website's URL. It should load your static website hosted on S3.

8. Content Updates:

  • Whenever you need to update your website, simply upload the new content to your S3 bucket. AWS will take care of the rest.

By following these steps, you'll have a cost-effective, scalable, and reliable platform for hosting your static website. AWS S3's performance and availability ensure that your content reaches your audience with low latency and high uptime.

Happy Learning :)

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